Monday 21 October 2019


Many homes in the Winnipeg and Southern Manitoba area have suffered roof damage due to strong winds….that is – those covered with shingles!  How have the roofs covered in metal fared?  Virtually – untouched!  

At one time, the price gap between shingles and metal roofing was extreme; however, now, as homeowners look for higher quality roofing options and subsequently more investment quality options – the choice comes down to:
·         top of the line architectural shingles OR
·         metal roofing
Now we’re starting to compare apples to apples!
Still, metal roofing wins out as being far more resistant to wind and hail damage!


Although ALL roofing materials rely heavily on proper installation, metal roofing does not rely on tar, sealant or goop to hold it together.   Hidden fasteners and interlocking mechanical flanges take the place of stick-together adhesives, and the result is roofing that is much more wind-resistant.

Not only is metal more wind-resistant when first installed but especially as the roof ages. Asphalt shingles will continue to dry out, become more brittle, curl and crack as they age and the sun bakes the oils out of them. Metal roofing is not subject to these changes and should be just as wind-resistant 50 years after installation as it was on the day it was completed.
Homeowners particularly at risk for wind damage are those most exposed to prevailing winds. Homes situated on hills, or with little wind-cover, or in the trough of a natural valley that directs wind currents…all of these can feel the fiercest effects of wind damage. But it’s surprising how many homeowners bring up excuses like these for roof failure when in fact the asphalt shingle roof is just a failure-prone, cheap way to cover a roof.
While the up-front investment of metal roofing is higher (depending on the system chosen), homeowners who plan to stay in their homes for the long-term will benefit from that higher initial investment by not having ongoing maintenance and replacement costs after repetitive spring storms like these.